
'To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.'

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Why Save Everything to External Hard Drives?

I think my absence from blogging affects my mood. I have begun to depend on this form of expression, and I love sharing thoughts and reading your comments. When I’m not writing and sharing, I feel unbalanced. It feels good to be putting words on paper again, or at least in the digital sphere to reach my readers. Gets me thinking about how cursive is a lost art.  But anyway…

Why save everything to external hard drives?  Because computers crash. Shocker I know. Procrastination has me in trouble, again. My computer crashed last week, and to make things a bit more stressful, it happened as I was saving my photos and documents on an external hard drive.  Everyone always tells you to SAVE SAVE SAVE, saving digital media has been part of my job the past 3 years working within media for Bauer Media Company (formally ACP Magazines) and currently the World Bank. But because my computer had a massive hard drive, I always just depended on its’ durability. Even if it was a 2007 Mac Pro model. Why should consumers have to get a new computer every 3 years anyway?

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This photo was the last little life the guy had left. I restarted it three times and this is the image I got. If I can say one thing about Macs though, they are built to last! I’ve owned 4 other computers before this one, Dell and HP’s. They all crashed or got viruses within 2 years. Not this guy though. I traveled the world with this guy, and he had the world in photos saved on the hard drive. Not to mention everything I had ever written for my M.A degrees and the last year of documents from my last year in college.

I know what your’e thinking, dumb move. I know I know,  but at least I discovered my hard drive wasn’t harmed and I could get most if not all my documents and pictures off. I still have to check on the photos, as they were saved in my IPhoto Library, not the pictures folder.

They currently are only opening in small images!! Fingers crossed it will all be ok. I’m trying not to think about it.

All I can say is I’ve learned my lesson. I’m now using my Mom’s Toshiba and missing the fantastic user friendly qualities no other computer besides a Mac can provide. The keyboard isn’t bad, nothing compared to the gentle grooves of the 2007 Mac Model though (which by the way is not used on any current Mac model). I feel like I’m having to learn a whole new system, once you go Mac you don’t go back.

Anyway, letting go of the 2007 Mac Model, and my global companion…ahhhh and breathe.

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My next purchase will probably be a Mac Book Air. Cheaper, lighter and will be able to do anything I need. There are some refurbished models for sale (my previous Mac was a refurbished purchase). I figure why buy new when you can buy once opened for a much cheaper price? Thoughts anyone? Please share with me if you know good computers.

Now, does everyone out there get the hint to go buy a hard drive and save ALL your documents if you haven’t already done so? I hope so. Life requires a computer, at least my life. As a result, the launch of my new blog is delayed a bit, so stay tuned to get inspired to follow and more details to come!

In the mean time, I’ve developed quite the knack for posting to Instagram, possibly a slight addiction. But you can follow along as I challenge myself to a new daily pose and offer options for all body types.  Be sure to hash tag #Getinspired2 with a photo of anything that inspires you or something you do to get inspired. Tag me @getinspired2liv in your comment box so I know you’re out there and I will begin to feature your posts. So we can spread inspiration to those who need it most. Here’s bridge pose to try!

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And remember my New Years Resolutions? I have compiled some yummy vegetarian and vegan recipes @Getinspired2liv on Instagram, and will be sharing the specifics through my new blog. Don’t forget, you can also find me on twitter with @Getinspired2liv

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PLEASE PLEASE share the ways you live better and more inspired! Especially right now, I need all the inspiration I can get.  A new computer (big gulp)? There goes half my savings.  Hopefully I’ll be able to get my pictures off.  Wish me luck!
