
'To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.'

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Owhataworld is retiring into WineDown Yoga ™: Visit our new space at www.winedownwithyoga.com

Hi all my lovely followers, you’ve probably forgotten you even followed this blog! Yes, it’s true, I have abandoned this blog for a new lady. Her name is WineDown Yoga ™. You can peruse her new sleek sexy shape at www.winedownwithyoga.com.

If you’re a wine lover or a yogi, who loves to live the good life, at the Vineyard no less, then move on over and join the party! We will satisfy all your cravings in 2014!

See you there!

WineDown Yoga Goes to Africa  final

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Can I really teach 40 kids under the age of 12 yoga?

As most of you know, I’m a yoga fanatic. I love everything about yoga, and have practiced all types. Last December I attended a yogafit training session in NYC to obtain my level 1 yoga certification. And now I want to spread the yoga joy to everyone around the world!

I’ve recently been offered to teach yoga at a camp near my house. One of my friends runs day care centers around the area and she’s asked me to teach for a week during the summer at one of the day cares. The kids could be from 3-12 and I would have my choice of what age to teach. 

I’m a big believer you’re never too young or too old to begin the yoga journey. But can I really teach 3 year olds yoga? 

I’m thinking of combining yoga and art, an idea borrowed from a friend who is an artist. He may actually come down to do the camp with me, as if there really are going to be 40 kids, I will need the extra hand!

So here’s what I ask of you readers…

I need ideas, anyone out there have ideas on how to engage young kids in practicing yoga? Or creating fun games we can play to keep them entertained during the day? I want to incorporate healthy eating as well, so maybe combine healthy snacks or even creating your own garden? 

Let me know what you think and I’ll keep you posted on upcoming opportunities to join in on the fun! 

Remember, you can always find me via twitter or instagram @getinspired2liv 

Don’t forget to share with me what inspires you with #getinspired2 and tag me @getinspired2live

I’ll be compiling all inspirational ideas for my new blog! Can you guess what it’s going to be called?


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Why Save Everything to External Hard Drives?

I think my absence from blogging affects my mood. I have begun to depend on this form of expression, and I love sharing thoughts and reading your comments. When I’m not writing and sharing, I feel unbalanced. It feels good to be putting words on paper again, or at least in the digital sphere to reach my readers. Gets me thinking about how cursive is a lost art.  But anyway…

Why save everything to external hard drives?  Because computers crash. Shocker I know. Procrastination has me in trouble, again. My computer crashed last week, and to make things a bit more stressful, it happened as I was saving my photos and documents on an external hard drive.  Everyone always tells you to SAVE SAVE SAVE, saving digital media has been part of my job the past 3 years working within media for Bauer Media Company (formally ACP Magazines) and currently the World Bank. But because my computer had a massive hard drive, I always just depended on its’ durability. Even if it was a 2007 Mac Pro model. Why should consumers have to get a new computer every 3 years anyway?

Meredith's Iphone 195

This photo was the last little life the guy had left. I restarted it three times and this is the image I got. If I can say one thing about Macs though, they are built to last! I’ve owned 4 other computers before this one, Dell and HP’s. They all crashed or got viruses within 2 years. Not this guy though. I traveled the world with this guy, and he had the world in photos saved on the hard drive. Not to mention everything I had ever written for my M.A degrees and the last year of documents from my last year in college.

I know what your’e thinking, dumb move. I know I know,  but at least I discovered my hard drive wasn’t harmed and I could get most if not all my documents and pictures off. I still have to check on the photos, as they were saved in my IPhoto Library, not the pictures folder.

They currently are only opening in small images!! Fingers crossed it will all be ok. I’m trying not to think about it.

All I can say is I’ve learned my lesson. I’m now using my Mom’s Toshiba and missing the fantastic user friendly qualities no other computer besides a Mac can provide. The keyboard isn’t bad, nothing compared to the gentle grooves of the 2007 Mac Model though (which by the way is not used on any current Mac model). I feel like I’m having to learn a whole new system, once you go Mac you don’t go back.

Anyway, letting go of the 2007 Mac Model, and my global companion…ahhhh and breathe.

Meredith's Iphone 214

My next purchase will probably be a Mac Book Air. Cheaper, lighter and will be able to do anything I need. There are some refurbished models for sale (my previous Mac was a refurbished purchase). I figure why buy new when you can buy once opened for a much cheaper price? Thoughts anyone? Please share with me if you know good computers.

Now, does everyone out there get the hint to go buy a hard drive and save ALL your documents if you haven’t already done so? I hope so. Life requires a computer, at least my life. As a result, the launch of my new blog is delayed a bit, so stay tuned to get inspired to follow and more details to come!

In the mean time, I’ve developed quite the knack for posting to Instagram, possibly a slight addiction. But you can follow along as I challenge myself to a new daily pose and offer options for all body types.  Be sure to hash tag #Getinspired2 with a photo of anything that inspires you or something you do to get inspired. Tag me @getinspired2liv in your comment box so I know you’re out there and I will begin to feature your posts. So we can spread inspiration to those who need it most. Here’s bridge pose to try!

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And remember my New Years Resolutions? I have compiled some yummy vegetarian and vegan recipes @Getinspired2liv on Instagram, and will be sharing the specifics through my new blog. Don’t forget, you can also find me on twitter with @Getinspired2liv

Meredith's Iphone 372

PLEASE PLEASE share the ways you live better and more inspired! Especially right now, I need all the inspiration I can get.  A new computer (big gulp)? There goes half my savings.  Hopefully I’ll be able to get my pictures off.  Wish me luck!


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“Lack of True Knowledge is the Source of All Pains and Sorrows”

Meditations-from-the-Mat“Lack of True Knowledge is the Source of all Pains and Sorrows” – Yoga Sutras

When I was in Philly I met someone who led me to this book, Meditations from the Mat. As part of my 2013 resolutions, or promises I like to call them, I vowed to purchase and read the book.

Since the new year, i’ve read from it everyday. The book is separated into 365 days, each day with a quote and a story written by an anonymous yogi. The book tells the story first hand about why practicing yoga is of value to everyone,  and is a reminder to be aware and present one day at a time.

After my early morning yoga session at home (I had a snow day today — no work means early yoga practice), I read from Meditations from the Mat and was inspired. I want to share with you a story that connects with me and how I came to practice yoga…  Continue reading

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5 tips for Buying a Road Bike

As part of my 2013 resolutions to live better, healthier, cleaner, and to get inspired with yoga, I finally decided which road bike to get to start training for my first sprint triathlon! The red and white racer, otherwise known as a Felt F85. She’s a beauty. The sun hasn’t been out since I got the bike, so I haven’t been able to take her for a proper spin around town, but as soon as the sun shines again, I’m off!


During my search, I compiled 5 tips to help make your bike search a little easier:

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Ready Set Go! 2013 Resolutions, Road Biking to a Sprint Triathlon

Ready set go! 2013 New Years Resolutions are in motion as the quest for an affordable, quality road bike begins.

I’m super excited! I have been looking for a new challenge to keep me busy and fit, and allow more freedom in my life. So today I took the first steps (very first steps) toward obtaining a road bike, and achieving one of my 2013 resolutions, participating in a sprint triathlon.

I must admit, I was procrastinating on actually purchasing one. Searching around for the right deal and learning about all the varieties, gear levels, framing size and the extra costs (i.e. pedals, clip in shoes, helmet and water bottle holder) can be overwhelming. Not to mention, bikes suitable for racing aren’t cheap!

But today, I took the first step. I haven’t been on a bike in so long, and I’ve never been on a road bike with such small tires. I thought for sure I was going to tip over and fall the first time I attempted to go around the parking lot for my test run. I was surprised when the guy helping me let me ride off on my own. You trust me? Do I have to pay for damages if I crash?


Once I got on and placed my feet on the pedals, there was no turning back. A whoosh of wind glided over my face and I immediately fell back in love with riding. My fear of falling vanished when I took the first three strokes on the pedals. An “ahhhhahhhhhh” moment came over me. Yes, this is what I need to be doing! Freedom.

I tested three bikes, the Felt F85, the Trek Lexa S and the Raleigh Revenio 1.0.


I first noticed how the gear shifted, which was different on each bike. I could tell the Felt F85 (red and white bike) had better gears because the shifting was much smother and easier. I barely noticed when I shifted over. While the others were a bit more difficult, not hard by any means, but more clunky. The Felt F85 also had more of a racing feel to it. I could tell this was a performance bike from how I was positioned, my chest was closer to the ground and my back leaned more forward.

I haven’t made my final decision yet, and I may go to another bike shop to compare other brands and prices. I know I’m definitely leaning more towards the red and white Felt F85, the sprint race is calling me…

Are you a road biker? Have opinions on what to look for? Best deals? What not to do? Tips for tracking rides or tips for saving money? Please share for all the newbies like me out there!

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Philly 2013: New Beginnings and New Promises w/ the Mummers on 2 street!

PhillyWhat do you think of when you hear of Philly? Cheese steaks? Tough people and crime? Sports fans? Or perhaps you have no preconceptions about the area. As for me,  I never thought much of Philly. Only 3 hours away, I just never had a reason to go. I knew they were known for their cheese steaks and to be honest violence always came to mind when I thought of the area. But once I landed in the city to ring in 2013, what I experienced was completely unexpected and sensational.

New beginnings and new promises were set in Philly, and I see now why Philadelphia travel guide says. “Philadelphia is a vibrant place to live—a city with an impressive past and a fascinating future.”

The streets were filled with colored light, art memorials surrounded the city side walks and buildings, culture and style everywhere, varieties of beer at each yummy restaurant and music filled the air. The old part of the city was cobble stone and original 1700’s style architecture. You could almost feel Ben Franklin walking the streets with you. A completely different vibe than D.C, Baltimore or NYC. Philly is soulful, artistic, historic, cultural, gritty and all around inspiring. The place to feed the great minds of 2013.


I brought in the new year laughing and dancing with friends at a rock and roll chic bar, Johnny Brenda’s, on a corner block in South Philly surrounded by tram lines. New Years day was celebrated at a house party on the most colorfully decorated city street i’ve seen with local artists, fashion and jewelry designers and practicing yogis. The evening ended at the Mummers after party on 2 street.


The New Years day Mummers Parade — with over 10,000 performers this year dressed in costumes — is the oldest folk festival in North America. The streets filled with floats and music, and colorful costumes worn by tough Philly men whose Mummer role has been passed down by local families for generations. Apparently, they spend a year working on their costumes, and I must say, as someone who has witnessed parades and festivals around the world — including Carnival — these costumes were legit and impressive!

Mummers 1

Mummers 2

Mummers 3

The after party on 2 street, where the Mummers gather with the rest of Philly to share the only day it’s legal to drink on the street, is where the city showed it’s best side. Strangers opened their doors to their 3 story art loft (which 30 years ago was a Butcher shop) to people on the street. At no cost, they offered kegs, bathrooms and even Stromboli! A girl held a picnic basket filled with homemade meatballs for people to taste, a “lounge” was on 3rd floor and a piano was being played. Truly an experience like no other!

The scene was a rare moment where humanity shined. Giving, sharing, laughing, good clean fun, respect, old family feel, and lots of dancing and Happy New Year wishes. The cops, dressed as though they came straight from the 50’s, were even part of the fun as they turned a blind eye to the pungent marijuana smell illuminating the air.

So if you’re thinking about heading to Philly for a little excursion, DO IT!  There’s plenty to discover — culture, art, lively music, yummy restaurants and interesting conversations. And if you’re around for New Years 2014, you might just see me dancing away the evening on 2 street. Cheers Philly, I will return.


 So what am I promising myself this year? To put it simply:

1. I promise to keep my heart and mind open to new ideas, new opportunities, new places, and  to let go of judgement both for myself and others

To find out my 2013 specific resolutions, including my new blog to inspire new Yogis and promote sustainable living, click here... 

Happy 2013!! Here’s to new beginnings and new promises, what are yours? Have you been to the Mummers Parade? Have an interesting story? Please share!


New Yoga/Sustainable Living Blog: Stay Tuned!

ResolutionsHere’s what 2013 has in store for me…


That’s right, along with owhataworld, which brings you the personal growth stories of a not so average woman and tips for daily success, I will be creating another blog. This blog will help share the goodness yoga brings to ones life, outline health benefits, house tips for sustainable and healthy living including yummy recipes, and follow my journey as I begin to construct a yoga studio in my house.

Stay tuned for more information and new ways to follow!

2. My Own Yoga Studio

3. A Sprint Triathlon

4. Books! Including: “Meditations from the Mat” by Rolf Gates, “Yoga of Heart” by Mark Whitwall and “Be  here now” by Ram Dass,

5. Yoga Guide

6. Cooking, Clean Eating and Vegetarianism

7. Spanish!!

8. More Tea

9. Texas Trip

9. Florida Trip

10. California Trip

11. Philly – A Return to Discover More

12. Composting

Do you have tips to share for new yogis? Composting? Yummy recipes? Good books? Or does anyone out there have similar resolutions or live/visited the places I plan to travel in 2013?

Please share with me and other followers below.

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Bullet to the Chest – Fading Fear and Healing Old Wounds

IMG_0318To all my followers waiting to hear my Dear Child post’s conclusion, here it is.

For all those new to the story, a click back to Last E-mail will get you up to speed on the below content, and understand how I began fading fear and healing old wounds.

Dear Child,


3 Months Post Surgery
Burning Process Begins

2011 begins in heartache. After you lose the man you believe to be the only man for you,  January also includes rush surgery due to a staff infection spreading over your chest and heart. Surgeons take 120 ml of puss (equivalent to ½ cup) out of your chest, leaving a hole the size of a cricket ball (or baseball) over your heart. You brave a smile for your friends — the first faces you see upon waking from anesthesia.

The next three months are filled with treks to the post surgery ward of St. Vincent’s hospital every other day before work. Mornings include sitting in a line behind people with much worse wounds, some with severe burns and disfigured limbs. Seeing this makes you appreciate life and health. 
Nurses clean, stuff, and bandage the hole in your chest, they show no mercy as they perform their duties on your open flesh. During the final healing stages they’ll burn excess flesh off to allow “normal” healing. A painful reminder of the sadness you feel every day. You literally have a hole in your chest representing the hole you feel in your heart.
You’re not ready to let go. Your dreams will get you through. 

Your 2011 new years resolution, to ensure everyone important in your life knew how much you cared and appreciated them. After your surgery, this notion could not be more important to accomplish. During the hard times, you realized how strong your connections where in a country half way around the world from your homeland. You witness a family sprout, and decide to celebrate.

So your 25th turns into a celebration for your friends and family, all those who make you smile, especially for those who kept you happy in a very unhappy situation. You (with the help of your awesomely handsome A Series of Fortunate Events owner, Christopher McLaren) create a space for everyone to dance on the red carpet like stars– well pink carpet I should say. A cocktail style party, set with lights, hanging photos, umbrella cocktails, and large open space on your 3rd floor balcony of your Sydney apartment…oh ya, and it’s open bar!


Grad School Group
Representing Canada, US, Russia, Germany, India, Switzerland, Norway, and the Netherlands

You’re happy, refreshed, and sharing incredible moments with close friends and family.


Sydney Media Clan
Matt Young, Christopher McLaren and Me


Oh and as an added bonus, your fantastic group of grad school friends gave you a helicopter tour of Sydney!

Enjoy a couple beauties below…



The next year will bring many ups and downs, as you say “till next time” to your job, home and family in Australia, journey back to the other side of the world, stopping on Australia’s sunny west coast, Indonesia and later Central and South America, until you’re finally settled on the east coast. Here, you finally begin to fade fear and heal old wounds. You will begin again, and create freedom in your life –mind, body and soul.

So don’t cry in the corner dear child, your dreams do come true. You just have to remember it’s Ok to let go. You’ll discover more and you will flourish into a strong, beautifully intelligent butterfly that has families and knowledge spanning the globe. You are not alone, you are not trapped –you are free.

First picture in 3 months without a bandage, happy 25th!

First picture in 3 months without a bandage
Happy 25th!

Dear Readers,

Here’s what I want you to get out of my story spanning 3 blog posts — the art of letting go. Obtaining the ability to allow yourself to be completely free — mind, body and soul. I mean real FREEDOM! Ensuring fear is not driving action. Not so easy in today’s world of deadlines, alarms, bills and competition, which sometimes feels like an endless mountain of obstacles and restraints.

I must admit, my journey to freedom is one that will encompass life long learning, as most things in life. But it was only a couple weeks ago, when I received the Last Email, that I was able to finally begin to let go and allow myself to discover new possibilities and new ways of thinking. I let go of the idea that I was in love and that there could only be one man for me, I let go of childhood traumas and promises, I let go of past mistakes and heartaches, I let go of a life that I no longer lived. I let go of everything I was holding onto in fear of losing.

An anvil was lifted off my shoulders, and a funny thing happened, my mind was more clear and my breath more stable. I began to open to new exciting adventures, to a realization that I was not losing the past but creating a future and cementing a lifestyle that will always allow me to be free…

But for all this to occur, I had to go through some things –a lot of things. But what I want you, the reader, to understand and embody is that sometimes trauma and heartache leads us to freedom and new discoveries, new and better paths.

Never stop believing you’ll get there and never stop dreaming…

Post Surgery: Anesthesia still kicking

Post Surgery
Anesthesia is still kicking

Remember to click back to Last Email and Dear Child to read the full story.

Don’t forget to follow along as I share my thoughts and give tips on freeing the mind, body and soul from past wounds to create a life without restraints or boundaries, but one that unfolds unlimited possibilities.

“The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.”
― Mark Twain

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Dear Child

Dear Child,

It’s ok, you are not alone. Your dreams will get you through. 

I know who you are, and I know why you cry in the corner. You’re more sensitive than the rest, and therefore more perceptive. You’re 7 years old, and feel a great sense of abandonment and loneliness. You’re anxious and scared a lot of the time. You feel there is no one who truly understands you, you feel there will be no one to care for you and love you. Your mom is sick and sleeps a lot, your father tells you he has a hole in his heart, your cousins live far away, your best friend stops inviting you to sleepovers because you keep getting sick on Fridays (FYI you’re going to throw up while saying the pledge of allegiance this year) and your sister…she’s the one you yearn to be close with, but is the one who causes your tears to fall the hardest.

It’s ok, you are not alone. Your dreams will get you through.

You’re 11 this year, the past 4 years have been rough. 3 years ago numerous doctors studied you, and investigated why you were the way you were. Why were you getting sick? They labeled you with an “anxiety disorder” and put you on medication to fix your “problem”. This pill makes you gain weight and feel out of control. You get tortured at school and belittled at home and become angry. This anger brought on more doctors and more pills and gave you more side effects. Things will start to spiral as your environment becomes more and more unpredictable. You will suffer from depression and the medication you’re prescribed will cause you to develop Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), as a side effect to taking a daily dose. You will start to suffer in school.

It’s ok, you are not alone. Your dreams will get you through.

You’re 13 this year, you’re still in pain. A part of you wishes you could end it all, but all of you understands’ that you could never cause pain to your family. You believe in something greater, you believe you will get through. You know you love to make people happy, and smile, but you just can’t smile yourself. You try to fix your family, you want stability and security, but you have none. You try to repair what’s broken but you can’t.

It’s ok, you are not alone. Your dreams will get you through.

You’re 15 this year, this will be the year your life changes, your perception of reality rocked. You will witness the end of your parents’ marriage. You will scream and beg your sister to take you with her before she runs out the door and drives away without you. She will leave you. You’re alone and forced to watch your mother tell your father she has proof of his 15-year affair. You watch your father sob for the first time ever and you make a promise to yourself that day, a promise you hold onto for 10 years.

It’s ok, you are not alone. Your dreams will get you through.

You’re 20 years old, and you’ve found your groove. Four years ago you left home to start fresh. You left for a new environment. In the past 5 years you’ve become strong and independent, discovered and fell in love with Mexico, traveled Europe, saw a play in Shakespeare’s theatre, stood on a wall seen from the Moon, became a true athlete, learned the value of healthy food, made solid friendships, became a mentor and a leader and took yourself off all medications. You are finally able to say and believe that you love yourself and you are truly confident in your beauty, strength, heart and mind. A year later, you will be confident enough to stand in front of a college psychology class and read a paper you wrote which shares your biggest fear (or so you think)– an inability to trust and feel safe with a man, a fear you’ll never open enough to receive love. You read this allowed to 30 strangers, and as you read the words you’re not sure how the past will affect your future, but you’re fearful.

It’s ok, you are not alone. Your dreams will get you through.

You’re 24 years old, you live in Sydney, Australia with your college roommate, have a spectacular job you couldn’t have dreamed of a possibility having before moving, and a supportive family network who knows your heart. You are in grad school and join the Global Leadership Program. You attend a seminar. You walk in and sit next to a man who will facilitate a true and needed change within you. It will take two more years for this change to come to fruition, but it will come and you will be better for it. You will travel to Turkey, and start to feel for another, and open up. He’s the first you meet of your kind. His heart is big and mind strong. You will enter into your first real relationship.

January 2011 will bring in the New Year with heartache. Your relationship with this man will end and you will feel horrible. You will feel it is your fault. You didn’t know how to believe in love. You weren’t ready. You didn’t understand what it was like to be cared for, you pushed feelings away. You got scared, you felt trapped, you felt abandoned, you crumbled, you spiraled and you became someone you’re not to push someone you cared about away. You didn’t believe. And most of all, you held onto a promise you made almost 10 years before…

 It’s ok, you are not alone. Your dreams will get you through.

Conclusion is on its way…