
'To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.'

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“Lack of True Knowledge is the Source of All Pains and Sorrows”

Meditations-from-the-Mat“Lack of True Knowledge is the Source of all Pains and Sorrows” – Yoga Sutras

When I was in Philly I met someone who led me to this book, Meditations from the Mat. As part of my 2013 resolutions, or promises I like to call them, I vowed to purchase and read the book.

Since the new year, i’ve read from it everyday. The book is separated into 365 days, each day with a quote and a story written by an anonymous yogi. The book tells the story first hand about why practicing yoga is of value to everyone,  and is a reminder to be aware and present one day at a time.

After my early morning yoga session at home (I had a snow day today — no work means early yoga practice), I read from Meditations from the Mat and was inspired. I want to share with you a story that connects with me and how I came to practice yoga…  Continue reading